######xA0; Hand carved by Nathan, ######xA0;it measures 3.8" by 7/8" at the widest part. ######xA0; It is suspended on a strong waxed emerald green hand braided adjustable cord. It comes with my certificate of authenticity. THE IKA FISH######xA0; SYMBOLIZES THE NORTH ISLAND OF AOTEAROA - TE IKA A MAUI - BLIEVED TO BRING PROTECTION AT SEA.
The carvings I offer are priced incredibly reasonably for genuine artist carved######xA0;NZ POUNAMU which will soon become impossible to obtain. All my pendants are blessed in the Maori tradition.
######xA0;All my photos are taken outside in natural light - no digital enhancement - no photoshopping - what you see is what you get! Pounamu is found only in the South Island of New Zealand. Because of this, the island was originally named Te W#####x101;hi Pounamu (the place of pounamu), but over time this name changed to Te Wai Pounamu (the greenstone waters). No other jade should be classified as pounamu as it is a Maori name for the stone. There are ten main types of pounamu. Arahura - a dark velvet green. Inanga - pale blue or green - can be opaque or translucent. Totoweka - a rare type - streaked or spotted with red. Kahotea - dark green with darker inclusions. Kawakawa - rich leaf green sometimes with dark freckling. Kohuwai - a misty grey blue with vivid bright green - like moss in a stream. Kokopu - sometimes called troutstone - silver or golden green with brown freckling. Kahurangi - emerald clear green sometimes with white feathering - highly prized. Raukaraka - called Flower Jade - varied greens with gold/orange blooms.Tangiwai - bowenite - found only in certain areas of Aotearoa NZ - dark blue/green - exceptional translucence. The main deposits used by M#####x101;ori are in the districts around the Taramakau and Arahura rivers in Westland, coastal south Westland and the Lake Wakatipu area in Otago. In addition, there is a significant field of bowenite in Milford Sound (Piopiotahi). Traditionally, the pounamu in the Arahura River has been most important for Poutini Ng#####x101;i Tahu (Ng#####x101;i Tahu people on the West Coast), with the junction of this river and Waitaiki (Olderog) Stream being particularly important.
####x200B;####x200B;####x200B;####x200B;####x200B;####x200B;####x200B. Authentic Pounamu Jade + Bone Carvings from Aotearoa New Zealand, the land of the Maori people and the inspiring scenery you saw in Lord of the Rings! ######xA0; All other buyers may choose this option if required. Hand carved by Nathan, it measures 3.8" by 7/8" at the widest part. It is suspended on a strong waxed emerald green hand braided adjustable cord. THE IKA FISH SYMBOLIZES THE NORTH ISLAND OF AOTEAROA - TE IKA A MAUI - BLIEVED TO BRING PROTECTION AT SEA. The carvings I offer are priced incredibly reasonably for genuine artist carved NZ POUNAMU which will soon become impossible to obtain. All my photos are taken outside in natural light - no digital enhancement - no photoshopping - what you see is what you get! - there are ten main types of pounamu: ---Arahura - a dark velvet green ---Inanga - pale blue or green - can be opaque or translucent ---Totoweka - a rare type - streaked or spotted with red ---Kahotea - dark green with darker inclusions ---Kawakawa - rich leaf green sometimes with dark freckling ---Kohuwai - a misty grey blue with vivid bright green - like moss in a stream.--Kokopu - sometimes called troutstone - silver or golden green with brown freckling ---Kahurangi - emerald clear green sometimes with white feathering - highly prized ---Raukaraka - called Flower Jade - varied greens with gold/orange blooms ---Tangiwai - bowenite - found only in certain areas of Aotearoa NZ - dark blue/green - exceptional translucence. New Zealand gold The main deposits used by M#####x101;ori are in the districts around the Taramakau and Arahura rivers in Westland, coastal south Westland and the Lake Wakatipu area in Otago.