New Zealand Collection

New Zealand High Face Value Collection To Late 2000's Incl Ross Dep Used To Mnh

New Zealand High Face Value Collection To Late 2000's Incl Ross Dep Used To Mnh
New Zealand High Face Value Collection To Late 2000's Incl Ross Dep Used To Mnh

New Zealand High Face Value Collection To Late 2000's Incl Ross Dep Used To Mnh

Most of the early stamps are used, and there are several mixed in with the newer stamps. There is still a very large portion of this collections that is mint and mostly MNH. There are many mini-sheets and s/s in this lot.

There are some Ross dependencies sets mixed in with the New Zealand stamps, along with a few on pages labeled as such. If you get picture icons, please try reloading or refreshing.
New Zealand High Face Value Collection To Late 2000's Incl Ross Dep Used To Mnh